- Intellectual Property including trademark law, law of domain names, patent applications and patent specifications (patent translation), patent litigation, utility models, designs, copyright law, IP media rights, unfair competition law, licence law, law of employee inventions
- Law of obligations (contract law, terms and conditions of business, etc.), property law, family law, commercial as well as partnership and company law, corporate governance, data privacy law, employment law, insolvency law
- Financial accounting (under IFRSs/GASs/German GAAP/Swiss GAAP FER/Austrian GAAP/US GAAP), auditing
- Banking sector/financial markets/banking and financial regulation
- Real estate
- Certificate translation, education systems
- Human resources
- Taxation
- Mergers and acquisitions, due diligence reviews
- Quality management
Working in a limited number of specialist fields, which, except for education, can all be subsumed under the major disciplines of law or business, which often interlock, so as to keep up with recent developments and ensure a precise understanding of the matters touched upon in your text.
As you can see from this overview , we are eager to deepen our knowledge in many of the areas we focus on outlined above, and we enjoy doing so.
You can find a list of our extended, secondary working fields (supplementary fields) at this link.