Other benefits for you
Mainly on the home page of this website, as well as on Astrid's or Sebastian's profile pages, you can find a few pointers on how we can contribute towards the success of your project in a targeted manner.
Other benefits for you include:
-> Focused on finding feasible solutions
-> Experienced users of all the main translation techniques that they teach and share, both face-to-face and online.
-> Responsive: The technical facilities for this exist, both when in the office, where we can be found most of the time, such as running Outlook 2016, and when out of the office. There is also an office telephone number, etc.
-> Efficient communicators
-> Proper time management skills
-> Well-travelled individuals (Britain, United States, Canada, Spain, Argentina, Chile, Portugal, Brazil, France, Belgium, Italy, Poland, Denmark, Hungary, Czech Republic, The Netherlands, Luxembourg, Switzerland, Austria) with knowledge of various spheres of life, appropriate research skills and an ability to access new subject matter, as long as it falls within our extended working fields, which are:
Human Medicine
Computers: Hardware
General Business - Management - Economics
Energy Markets/The Economics of the Energy/Power Generation Industry
Engineering (general)
Botany, Wildlife
Environment & Ecology
Inheritance Law
IT (Information Technology), Internet, e-Commerce
Translating CVs and covering letters
Natural Science (general)
Social Science, Sociology, Ethics, Social Security Law, etc.
Tourism & Travel
Vegetarian/Vegan Cooking/Culinary
You can, in turn, find information on our main areas of specialisation at http://www.aswitte.de/en-gb/services/specialisation
-> Confidential treatment of data and documents handed over to us is fully guaranteed.
-> Proper editing and proofreading ethics, i.e. neither putting ourselves forward unnecessarily and thus changing too much nor doing the work too superficially, i.e. editing the translation too lightly.
-> Upon request, we are ready to consult with the customer about the depth of proofreading and editing services, i.e. if we are to check fewer aspects than are covered by our standard checklist (in the case of editing services involving the comparison of source and target text, this includes: Content/accuracy of the translation/aspects of logic and plausibility, terminological consistency, style, text coherence, grammar, spelling, punctuation/in the case of monolingual proofreading, this includes: style, text coherence, grammar, spelling, punctuation) this can result in a price reduction.
-> The goal is to combine an eye for detail and formal aspects on the one hand with achieving clarity, coherence and a number of other criteria of good text quality in the target language plus accuracy of content on the other hand.
-> We are familiar with the concept of linguistic register and will preserve it.
-> Needless to say, we preserve terminological consistency when it is called for. For stylistic reasons, in certain specific types of texts, it may be necessary to vary the terminology used, in particular in marketing texts.
-> We are generally happy to comply with any job instructions that may be issued. If there is any problem in adhering to them, or if different requests are in conflict with one another, we will advise you.
-> Resourceful and imaginative
-> Astrid is capable of formatting most non-editable or editable file formats we can handle (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, PDF and, subject to restrictions, possibly some of the main image formats like JPEG - if you can make a PDF file instead, however, this would always be preferable-, or by prior arrangement also posted documents) so that they look neat and very or, as the case may be, even most similar to the source document.
-> Other file formats we can handle through Trados Studio, mostly on a 'formatting-in/formatting-out' sort of basis, for lack of owning the respective software, include Adobe FrameMaker, Adobe InDesign, Adobe InCopy and QuarkXpress files - in addition, we can process XHTML 1.1, HTML 4 and HTML 5 files.
-> We can process SDL Trados Studio 2017, 2019 and 2021 packages, SDLXLIFFs, XLFs (by arrangement), MQXLIFFs (by arrangement)
-> You and we both benefit from SDL Trados Studio term recognition, which searches our subject matter-specific termbases in real time for hits in the source text and enables us to quickly take over the translated term selected from among the suggestions and insert it into the target text, in order to achieve greater accuracy and consistency
-> 5 million words translated and edited between the two of us, 2 million words edited that were translated by third parties
-> Able to translate into British English (native speaker version) or otherwise, American English.
-> Able to translate into German/Germany or otherwise, upon request, able to arrange for a translation into Austrian High German (native speaker version) or Swiss High German (native speaker version) that meets our quality assurance requirements by means of a network of tried and tested colleagues.
-> Second pair of eyes is included in German to English, English to German, French to English and Spanish to English translation services provided. Spellchecks and completeness checks are performed by Astrid (who has been resident in Germany since 1997) within the context of Spanish to German and Portuguese to German services provided in regard to Sebastian's translations, which he proofreads himself (in lieu of a genuine second pair of eyes) - in individual cases second editing by an expert proofreader is included, free of charge
-> We will generally be happy to take the customer’s corporate terminology into account.
-> We have all the facilities to maintain customer-specific translation memories, and will generally also be pleased to re-use some of the customer’s existing external translations.
-> Well-connected within the translation profession
-> Good, basic equipment with technically immaculate, well-maintained PCs (64 bit systems running Windows 11, 16/32 GB RAM, Ryzen 5 and Ryzen 7 upper middle class CPUs, respectively (with 6 and 8 cores respectively), SSD as system drive, SSD data drive in one case, 1 large SATA III data drive in the other case, one dedicated graphics card with 4 GB memory each, little but high-quality software and professionally recognised, rock-solid, comprehensive dictionaries from the 2000s, as well as more recent publications, especially PC dictionaries, e.g. any that might run under the joint Unilex interface of Acolada GmbH, Nuremberg.
-> Tax-compliant invoicing in German or English. We accept credit notes from our customers upon request.
-> Our CVs are available upon request.
-> Certified Pros (certification for professionalism) following peer review in the areas of translation performance, conduct & ethics, professionalism) in German -> English (Astrid, 2008), English -> German (Sebastian, 2009), Spanish -> German (Sebastian, 2012), awarded by the world's largest translator platform, New York State, established in 1999.