What's new

Amendments to our General Terms and Conditions in Clause 3(c) on our minimum fee – 2013

Amendments to our General Terms and Conditions in Clause 3(a) on the basis for calculation for our services and in Clause 4(a) and 4(d) on our terms of payment – 2014

Amendments to our General Terms and Conditions in Clause 5 on the regulations governing the client’s right to withdraw from the contract and in Clause 7 on cancellation fees - 2014

Amendment to our General Terms and Conditions in Clause 4(b) - 2014

Amendment to our General Terms and Conditions in Clause 4(b) - 2016

Methods of payment updated: bank transfer, Skrill, XOOM, TransferWise or Payoneer are usually available - 2018

Our German data privacy statement has been adapted to the EU GDPR - 2018

42 new sizeable SDL MultiTerm termbases created - 2019 

Celebrating 8 years of working together as a Professional Partnership - April 7, 2019

Some 2,000 entries added across 16 termbases in November 2019. Some 4,350 termbase entries added in April 2020. New taxation and customs duties termbase created in October 2020, 2750 entries.

Some information that might be of interest to our intellectual property law customers on types of trademarks https://euipo.europa.eu/ohimportal/en/trade-marks-examples

Now running SDL/RWS Trados Studio 2021 and SDL/RWS MultiTerm 2021, partly alongside SDL Trados 2019 - September 2020

Astrid's advanced level SDL/RWS Trados Studio and MultiTerm certifications can be viewed here.

About 2,800 termbase entries added across various termbases - May 2021. 

Three interesting plug-in apps for RWS Trados Studio which we use:

https://appstore.sdl.com/language/app/integrated-search-views/531  Integrated Search Views, for simultaneously searching in a number of XLIFFs for search terms in Studio. Our rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars.
https://appstore.sdl.com/language/app/rapid-add-term/1050  Rapid Add Term, for quickly adding termbase entries to your Studio project's default termbase. Our rating: 5 out of 5 stars.
https://appstore.sdl.com/language/app/web-lookup/455   Web Lookup!, uses Google, Google Define, Pons, IATE, Wikipedia, etc. to search for definitions or term translations. Our rating: 3 out of 5 stars.


Changeover of pecuniary loss liability insurance as of June 10, 2021 from R + V Versicherung to Hiscox SA. 

Now running Windows 11 on both computers (04/2022).

Our termination of the pecuniary loss liability insurance (06/2023). Our liability is limited to the order value.

Pecuniary loss liability insurance newly concluded with Hiscox SA (06/2024). Liability up to 75,000 euros per claim.
Have installed RWS Trados Studio 2024.


Training courses attended

Intellectual property translation

Intellectual property translation ENG > GER (BDÜ/German Translators' and Interpreters' Association) – 2011

English intellectual property law (4.5-hour training in the UK), David Hutchins, Solicitor, Lexacom Legal Training Services - 2012

Patent law: The European Unitary Patent, the European Unitary Patent Court and the London Agreement; the IPC (International Patent Classification) - 2012 BDÜ Conference

English legal translation and training in German (mostly codified) Civil Law <> the (mostly uncodified) common law, in particular of England/Wales and the U.S.

Visiting student at Bielefeld University: attended lectures in the law of obligations, Legal English and English Law (multiple semesters), family law class, land law class - 2010-2012

Wills and Estates Law Terminology (US English, held by a Canadian lawyer) – webinar, 2011

The American court system as well as civil and criminal procedure plus contract law and law of business associations, a two-day training event organized by an Assistant Professor for American Law residing in Germany/holder of an LL.M. (Harvard)/licensed to practice law in the State of Texas (ATA-certified for GER to ENG) aimed at GER > ENG translators and interpreters (ATICOM) – 2012

UK and U.S. partnership law/limited liability company law vs. Germany's law of business associations (= Gesellschaftsrecht, being an umbrella term covering both partnerships (Personengesellschaften) and limited liability companies (Kapitalgesellschaften)) (BDÜ) – 2012

English criminal law and procedure (3-hour webinar), David Hutchins, Solicitor, of Lexacom Legal Training Services – 2012

English property law (4.5-hour training in the UK), David Hutchins – 2012

English employment law webinar - David Hutchins, Lexacom Legal Training Services – 2012

English land law seminar held by a bilingual barrister, along with GER <> ENG translation exercises (BDÜ) - 2013

3 webinars in comparative law (Germany – England/Wales) and the theory and practice of legal translation (legal theory, court systems, procedural law, contract law and the law of constitutions of associations and public bodies, criminal law, employment law, partnership and limited liability company law) held by a lecturer of City University, London, and German lawyer, as well as a bilingual barrister, eCPD Webinars - 2013

Common law/equity/mostly codified civil law/The English legal system, other English court terminology, the Legal Profession in England & Wales/types of judges, day-to-day business of barristers & solicitors, English tort law and contract law, David Hutchins, Solicitor, ATICOM - 2014

Corporate insolvency law


  • Regular insolvency proceedings vs. consumer insolvency proceedings
  • Grounds for instituting insolvency proceedings under Secs. 17 to 19 German Insolvency Code:
    • inability to pay
    •     impending inability to pay
    •     debtor’s liabilities exceeding its assets
  • Failure to file an insolvency petition in good time qualifying as a criminal offense under Sec. 15 (a) (4) and (5) German Insolvency Code
  • Course of the insolvency proceedings
    Institution of the insolvency proceedings, creditors‘ meeting, administration and exploita-tion of the assets involved in the insolvency proceedings, distribution of assets
  • Insolvency employment law
  • Debtor-in-possession and reorganization (“insolvency light”)
    e.g. insolvency plan (Secs. 217 et seqq. German Insolvency Code) or the newly introduced proceedings involving stay of execution and the debtor-in-possession administration mode as per the German Insolvency Law Reform (ESUG/Law for further Facilitation of the Restructuring of Companies, Secs. 270 et seqq. German Insolvency Code)
  • International jurisdiction of the insolvency court: Art. 3 European Insolvency Regulations: Center of Main Interest (COMI) located in a different EU member state, i.e. deviating from the company’s registered office (3.5 hours)

England and Wales

  •     Legal basis
  •     Responsibilities of administrators and receivers
  •     Types of proceedings and course of the proceedings
  •     Company Voluntary Arrangement (Insolvency Act Ss. 1-7)
  •     Administration (Insolvency Act Schedule B1)


  • Reorganization under Title 11, Chapter 11 United States Code, also referred to as Bankruptcy Code: protecting the debtor from its creditors‘ claims
    (1 ¾ hours for the two Anglo-American common law jurisdictions combined) – BDÜ, 2014

German land law (GER > ENG/US), Providing sight translation services at notary's offices: the authenticated real property sales contract & creation of a land charge, trained by a very experienced translator and interpreter from the U.S. and a long-term resident of Germany - BDÜ, 2014

2017 data privacy update covering the EU General Data Protection Regulation with a special focus on the respective requirements faced by freelance translators - BDÜ

Spanish legal translation

Spanish to German legal translation training (German Translators' and Interpreters' Association, BDÜ) - 2008

Translation of court documents and notarized deeds, company law contracts and employment law materials to and from Spanish (trained by a fully bilingual Spanish lawyer), i.e. GER <> SPA - totaling 25 hours, Instituto Cervantes - 2009/2010

Spanish matrimonial und divorce law SPA <> GER (BDÜ) – 2012

Portuguese legal translation

Translating Brazilian/Portuguese legal deeds and certificates into German (ATICOM professional association) – 2009

Accounting translation/taxation

Two-day seminar on GER <> ENG accounting translation: IFRSs vs. German GAAP - Dt. Terminologie-Tag, 2009

Visiting student at Bielefeld University: attended lectures in financial reporting - 2010-2011

Accounting under IFRSs/US GAAP/German GAAP, ENG <> GER - 2-day training module at City University, London - 2011

ENG > GER terminology of annual and consolidated financial statements plus background knowledge and translation exercises; comparison of IFRSs with German GAAP (BDÜ) – 2012

The style and register of annual reports (aimed at GER > ENG translators) - 2012 BDÜ Conference

ENG <> GER terminology of annual and consolidated financial statements under IFRSs plus background knowledge and translation exercises; upper intermediate level (BDÜ) – 2013

Translating image and financial sections of annual reports under IFRSs and GASs at expert level: stylistic considerations and terminology GER <> ENG, background information in English, in particular on consolidation and corporate governance, discussion and analysis of specific line items in the consolidated primary financial statements of selected major German groups of affiliated companies from GER into ENG, two-day event (BDÜ) – 2013

Optimized data entry using WISO Steuer-Sparbuch, first in a series of 5 (WISO subscriber-only) tax return software webinars with various topics attended in Q1/2014, aimed at enabling Sebastian to catch up on Astrid's expert knowledge and skills in taxation matters, starting from a solid foundation

German Reorganization Tax Law - Lecturio, 2014

Financial market translation, macroeconomics/currency and monetary policy

GER <> ENG terminology of financial markets and background knowledge (BDÜ) – 2010

Financial markets, regulators and participants ENG <> GER - 2-day training module at City University, London - 2011

Foreign currency management and FX trading (GER <> ENG) (BDÜ) – 2012

Central banking - GER > ENG translation workshop held by a salaried Bundesbank translator from the U.S. - 2012 BDÜ Conference

The German financial market explained (Deutsche Börse Group, 65760 Eschborn) - 2013:

  • “Warm-up”: Visited the Bundesbank’s Money Museum in Frankfurt/Main

The seminar at a glance

  • Definition and delimitation of the term “financial market”
  • The various different financial markets at a glance
  • Money market, capital market, foreign exchange market

Market participants

  • Differentiation under the German Banking Act
  • Banks
  • Fund management companies
  • Private and institutional investors
  • Responsibilities and governance of the Bundesbank and the European Central Bank

Stock exchanges and other exchanges in Germany

  • Definition
  • The design of Germany’s landscape of stock exchanges and other exchanges
  • Spot market/cash market
  • Derivatives market


  • Financial oversight and investor protection in Germany
  • Legal basis for trading in financial instruments at exchanges

Four webinars totaling 4.5 hours, held by Dr. Gregor Bauer, Lecturer in Technical Analysis and Portfolio Management at Frankfurt School of Finance and Management - Cortal Consors, 2014:

Strategies and Hands-on Advice for Better Investing:

  • Bonds
  • Exchange Traded Products/ETPs: Exchange Traded Funds/ETFs, Exchange Traded Commodities/ETCs and Exchange Traded Notes/ETNs (all these in many cases being non-actively managed financial instruments)
  • Classic mutual funds (as actively managed financial instruments)
  • Warrants

M&A Mergers and Acquisitions Translation, webinar presented by a financial translator for English and translator training specialist - 2015

Various other economic fields/engineering and technology/other specialist fields or topics/Portuguese classes

Translating renewables (presentation), GER > ENG - 2012 BDÜ Conference

Visiting student at Bielefeld University: various Brazilian Portuguese classes - 2010-2012

Webinar: Basics of Human Resources Management (150 minutes) - Lecturio, 2014

German Reorganization Tax Law - Lecturio, 2014

Technical translation: Finding the right terminology (webinar geared towards language professionals translating from any language into English, taking FR > EN as an example), held by a Professor of Physics from the UK who was resident in North America for many years - 2014

The Manufacturing Industry in the 21st Century - from boardroom to shop floor (75 minutes), eCPD Webinars, 2014

Do you know and understand your French insurance terminology? (75-minute webinar in British English presented by a Manchester-based lawyer-linguist specializing in French to English interpreting and translation), topics: health insurance, car insurance, home insurance, 2016

Business opportunities in Brazil for German companies operating in the wastewater industry, two-hour webinar for companies from the GreenTech sector in English, German Foreign Chamber of Commerce at Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2020

Target market Brazil for German companies operating in the wastewater industry, two-hour webinar for companies from the GreenTech sector in English, German Foreign Chamber of Commerce at Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2023

Forms of cooperation for interpreters and translators, information on advantages and disadvantages in regard to liability and taxation as well as on access requirements for the most common legal forms and for some legal forms which are currently still less in demand for said purpose, two webinar recordings in German lasting several hours, BDÜ, 2021
Dealing with Clients as a translator or interpreter, webinar on best practices, Chartered Institute of Linguists, 2023
Literary translation from Spanish, discussion with an Argentinian author, CIoL - 2025
Medical translation from English, pitfalls and resources - CIoL webinar, 2025



One-week interpreting seminar for GER <> ENG translators (University of Mainz) – 2009

Professional conduct in Court for interpreters (ATICOM) – 2011

Use of computer-assisted translation tools (CAT tools) and terminology management tools that can be integrated

"How to handle tags", SDL Trados Studio 2009 presentation held by an SDL Trados trainer, translation conference in the Ruhr Area - 2010

SDL Trados Studio 2009 intermediate (SDL webinar) – 2010

SDL Trados MultiTerm 2009 (SDL webinar) – 2011

SDL Trados Studio 2009 advanced level (BDÜ) - 2011

"Tell me all the ways freelance translators can get help and support from SDL", SDL webinar - 2019

SDL Trados Studio Q&A webinar with Paul Filkin, Client Services Director at SDL - 2019

SDL Trados Studio 2019 - Merging segments: when is it useful, when is it not, and what else to consider when merging segments. Webinar by an authorised SDL Trados Trainer - 2020

SDL Trados Live Virtual Conference, 3-day training event (also on MultiTerm) including additional background knowledge or CAT technology outlook presentations - 2020

"Focus on desktop functionalities: What benefits does SDL Trados Studio 2021 give service providers?", SDL webinar - 2020
- Using Alt+Shift+A to quickly change all segment statuses
- Advanced Display Filter 2.0
- New sophisticated language variety-sensitive, yet adjustable date format management facility
- Reminder to use Regular Expressions to get the most out of Studio
- Reminder about the option to set up your own private AppStore
- Integration of the SDL Community, the SDL Knowledge Base, the SDL AppStore and the SDL Support Portal into Studio 2021

Technical Live Q&A about SDL Trados Studio 2021, Fleur Schut, Business Consultant, and Paul Filkin, Client Services Director, RWS, Trados Virtual Conference, May 2021
Working with Trados packages: review course and tips for advanced users, Ziad Chama, RWS, Trados Virtual Conference, May 2021
Trados language resources, Paul Filkin, Trados Virtual Conference, May 2021
Path management in Trados Studio (in regard to project templates, etc.), certified software trainer, Loctimize GmbH
Project management using Trados Live Team, viz. Software as a Service, Lydia Simplicio, RWS

Skillfully using MS Office applications and other non-CAT tools

Skillfully using Abbyy FineReader OCR software and stylesheets in Word 2007, ADÜ Nord prof. association – 2010

Word 2007 intermediate: advanced editing and formatting features, handling indices, footnotes and headers - New Horizons Computer Learning Centers – 2010

MS Word for translators: Find and replace features regarding formatting and other tips and tricks (Attila Piróth PhD MSc) - 2010

MS Word 2013, webinar via a German translator training platform - 2014

Elementary MS Access course, Malte Koch Computerschulung Düsseldorf - 2015